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Frequently Asked Questions




  Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Hot Deals and Show In Home items?

Show In Home items automatically appear on your store's front page. Hot Deals appear on the "Hot Deals" page that you can link to from anywhere on your Web site. A product may be both a Hot Deal and Show In Home item, or just one of the two. To set Hot Deals and Show In Home items, use the 'Modify Product ' module of the BackOffice. Note that the store's front page may or may not be your Web site's home page. It's up to you to set it up either way.

What happens when I change the customer type to Wholesale?

Retail  customers are shown and charged the online price. Wholesale customers are shown and charged the wholesale price. You define the two prices when you add or modify a product using the Manage Products menu. In addition to prices, note that quantity discounts can be different for wholesale customers.

Will Retail customers or casual site visitors see the pricing I've set for wholesale customers?

It’s configurable. You can use pShowBtoBPrice setting to define that.

If I don’t want to ship a certain product, how can I have shipping options not appear during the check out process when customers select that product?

Simply set the weight to zero in the product details page. To do so, select Modify Products in the Manage Products menu. When the weight is set to zero and your shipping options are defined from weights>0 your shipping options are not displayed during the check out process. This does not affect other products. You can define “Shipping is not needed” for weight =0.

Can I print an invoice from within the Admin BackOffice?

Yes. To print an invoice, click on Generate Invoice link at Sales Menu. Find the order you want to generate an invoice for and click on the Invoice icon. You can now print the invoice for faxing or mailing.

How do I find out the credit card number used for a transaction?

If you use real-time credit card processing on your store, then the payment gateway that you setup to handle your transactions will securely hold that information. Since transactions are processed automatically, you will rarely need to know the credit card number. If you needed credit card details, you would log into the administration area that most gateways provide, or contact the gateway directly. If you use off-line credit card processing on your store, then you need to retrieve credit card details to process the transaction after an order has been placed. Credit card information is encrypted and stored in your store’s database. It is never included in confirmation e-mails sent to you or the customer by your store. The only way to view it is to display details for a particular order via the Sales and Customers menu, show orders module of the BackOffice. The information is decrypted on-the-fly for you to view through the BackOffice.

Can I change the store buttons?

You can customize the appearance of your shopping cart buttons by uploading new buttons to your Web server. You also need to change the HTML templates involved by checking that you are not touching ASP tags or any other programming code. Usually you will need to modify viewitem.asp and itemdetailsm.asp files

Note: before you can upload new buttons to your on-line store, make sure that the buttons have been saved in a compatible format (JPEG or GIF), and that they are small enough to display properly on your store (try not to exceed 110 x 25 pixels).

Can I modify some of the wording on the shopping cart?

Yes, any message or field description that appears on your storefront can be changed. The system keeps virtually all of them in one file called languages.asp, which is located in the / includes subfolder on your Web server. So all you have to do is open that file and change the text that you would like to replace.

Make sure to first make a back up copy of languages.asp so that you may revert back to it if you needed to. This feature also allows you to have a storefront that displays messages in a language other than English.

When customers browser my store by category, only 10 categories are displayed per page. Is there a way to change that number?

There is a line of code in a file named " listProductsAndCategories.asp" that reads: const numPerPage = 10. You can change that number to have more or fewer categories appear on each page.

How can I have NO pictures associated with a product or a category?

There is an easy way to accomplish this. Just create a 1 x 1 pixel transparent GIF file. Name it "clearpixel.gif". Upload it to your your store using the Upload Images component of the BackOffice. From then on, whenever you want to a product or category not to have any image associated with them, enter "clearpixel.gif" in the image field.

How to define different shipment methods based on weight (or price, quantity) and Address?

  • Define a new Shipment Method (table Shipments)
  • Put WeightFrom=0 and WeightUntil=10 for cart total weight between 0 and 10 so this shipment method will appear only in that case.
  • If you want that Shipping method for California state, put CA in stateCode and stateCodeEq=-1 (That shipment will apply only for California). To define another shipment for the other states you can include other shipment row with CA in stateCode and stateCodeEq=0

You can also use Real Time UPS calculation instead of defining manually all shipping rules.

How to import product database from other programs

You can use Free Diagnostics and Tools utility to perform this task. Consider that you will need the exported products table from the previous program in a plain text format. Consider that only basic attributes will be imported. If you need a fine importing automatic procedure contact us to make an estimate based on your file format.

How can I give special prices to some customers?

Using BackOffice, Sales and Customers menu/ List All Customers, you can assign special prices for certain customers. Remember that the customer must login in order to be authenticated and receive the special prices.

How can I define a Tax of 0.21 for customers in one state (country, zip) and no Tax if the user is from other place?

1. Using BackOffice define a new taxPerPlace record

2. Insert new row containing stateCode=CA, stateCodeEq=-1 and taxPerPlace=0,21

How can I define different Taxes depending on the product if the user is from Italy?

1. Using BackOffice define a new taxPerProduct record

2. Insert a new row with CountryCode=IT, countryCodeEq=1 and taxPerProduct=0,25

3. You can add other row for other product with different Tax (0,28…)  

How can I configure the Fraud Protection Package in order to alert for suspicious orders without blocking them?

You can use the setting pFraudPreventionSetting="caution"

How can I remove shipping selection, my store doesn’t need shipping options

Insert only one shipping method named: “No shipping needed”. You can also hardcode shipping selection by replacing the drop down in comersus_selectShipment.asp by one hidden field <input type="hidden" name="idShipment" value="1"> Rename also the Submit Button with: “Press here to continue” and be sure you have a Shipment Method defined in your database with idShipment=1  

How can I assign a product to several categories?

If you are using BackOffice, just select the categories from drop down box (you have 3 drop down boxes but you can assign one product to unlimited categories)

I don’t understand how Real Time Shipping (UPS or USPS) feature works

 Real Time Shipping disable all manual shipping settings defined and act as an interface between your store and UPS. When the customer makes the checkup process, Real Time Shipping sends all relevant transaction details like: total weight, shipping address at origin and shipping address at destination, etc The package retrieves in Real Time 4/5 configurable shipping types for those specifications and then returns to your store in order to create a Drop Down Box showing different combinations of shipping types and shipping charges. The customer completes the order as usual. All this process is hidden to the customer and it takes no relevant time to get the Real Time Quotes.

How to replace the “No Image Available” graphic file

Whenever you don’t upload images for a certain product, a default graphic is shown on any page that displays information about that product (search pages, product details page, etc.). You can easily replace the default graphic with your own by following these simple steps.

  • Create the new image file that will be displayed whenever a product image is not available. The image should be 100 x 100 pixels.
  • Save the file as “imageNa.gif”
  • Upload the file to the “/store/catalog” subfolder on your Web server, using any FTP program, or using the Upload Product Images module of Your store, which is located in the Manage Products menu of the Your store administration console.

From now on this image will be displayed whenever a product image is not available.















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