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  Setting Up Your Store

Follow the steps outlined below to quickly configure your store.

  • Configure general store settings. Using Utilities/Setting Link.
  • Add products to your catalog. Next, you can start adding products to your store catalog. To do this, select StoreFront/ Products from the navigation menu, and then click on

Add Products. The Add Product Option takes you step by step through the process of adding a product to your store, so it's a perfect tool when you are just getting started with your shopping cart.

  • Add shipping options. After adding products, you will probably want to specify which shipping options you are going to make available to your customers. To do this, select Store Settings/ Shipping from the navigation menu, and then click on Add Shipping Type. Refer to the chapter of this document dedicated to Shipping Options for more information on this feature.
  • Add payment options. Then, specify how customers will pay for their orders by adding payment options to your store. Select Store Settings/ Payment Options from the navigation menu, and then click on Add New Payment. There are two main types of payment options:

real time and non-real time (also referred to as on-line and off-line payment options). In the first scenario, the payment is processed immediately, which is how credit card transactions are often handled on the Internet. In the second scenario, the payment is collected after the transaction. Setting up a real time payment option requires that you have an account with a payment processing company. Read the Payment Options section of this guide for details. Depending on the Payment Gateway used you can also define a link Receipt (Order Confirmation Page) and a Silent Response (special signal from the Payment Gateway that will update order status and distribute Digital Goods at your store after the payment is authorized)
















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