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Configuring Offline Credit Card Processing

To add a new non real-time payment option make sure that you enter all the information regarding the payment in the email text field. That information will be sent along with order confirmation to the customer.

Because there is no gateway involved, setting up a non real-time payment option is easy.

To configure offline credit card processing, simply define the URL of the Off Line Payment form. When customers check out, credit card information will be collected, but the card will not be charged. To avoid orders submitted with false credit card information, Your store will do a basic check on the credit card number before allowing the order to go through. If the number is incorrect, customers will receive an error message. If the number is a valid credit card number, then the order will go through.

Your store, as always, will send you a confirmation e-mail once the order has been placed. It will then be up to you to charge the credit card offline, using a POS terminal, software that may be installed on your PC, or any other solution that you may be using. For security reasons, credit card information will not be included in the order confirmation e-mail. To retrieve such information, you will have to use the Sales Menu / Show Order component of the Your store BackOffice. See the Managing Your Orders section of this document for more information.

Note: All credit card information collected from your customers during non realtime credit card transaction is stored in the store database in an encrypted format to ensure data security.

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