Recurring Billing
With Your store you can use Recurring Billing, an
interesting feature to make automatic invoices at
regular periods (monthly, weekly, etc). To enable this
feature you need one posted order as the base order.
From BackOffice / Sales/ List Orders you can
browse that base order.
At the bottom of the Order Details page you can
find a drop down menu to select the Period in days (7,
15, 30, 60, etc) and a box to define the next billing
date for that order. After submitting that form the
order will be listed with a small icon indicating that
you have defined recurring billing.
Once the automatic verification is made and if
there is a pending order to be billed that day, the
order will be created and the store administrator will
receive an e-mail notification.
With this notification, the administrator will have
to post the payment and mark the order as paid, from
the BackOffice since the order is saved as Pending
at first.
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