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  StoreFront Advanced Settings

Using BackOffice you can browse to Settings/Configuration. Using BackOffice you can browse to Utilities/Settings option. From this option you can edit in real time all the advanced settings of the store grouped in several categories.

o Company Information: Company or store name and address appear on many shopping cart pages and on most e-mail messages sent to customers. Here you can also specify the phone, fax, zip code, etc pCompanyLogo: here you may specify the name of the image file that will be used on store header. Make sure the file is height=58 width=213 pixels or smaller. To upload this image you can transfer the file via FTP to the “/store/images” subfolder on your Web server.

o StoreFront Behaviour:

pMaxAddCartQuantity is the largest quantity your customers will be able to order for one product (i.e. 20 means that they can only order up to 20 units of a certain product).

The pMinimumPurchase is the minimum dollar value of the products added to the shopping cart for your store to accept the order. Orders below the minimum are considered too small and will not be processed. In all three cases, customers whose shopping cart contents don’t meet one or more of these criteria are notified of the problem during the check out process.

pStoreFrontDemoMode is an important setting for testing purposes, if you have one error in your store you should switch to demo mode in order to make a debug and try to determine which SQL sentence or script is causing the error.

pOrderFrefix and pCustomerPrefix are used to determine a prefix to be added in the beginning of all automatic numbers for customers and orders. pIdStore is used to identify each unique store in a shared environment (you can detect actions from each store and share or don’t share the cart for several shops for example).

pNoStockAvoidAdding is used to detect if the product has stock, if it hasn’t Add Button and links will disappear for that product.

pShowStockView is used to show in the storefront the stock for the products.

pUseShippingAddress is used to enable the link to shipping address form in the checkout process.

pRandomPassword is used to enable random password generator for new customers

pAllowNewCustomer is used to enable new customers form in checkout process, if you don’t want new customers to register just change this setting.

pStoreLocation is very important since it’s defining the domain and folder where your store is installed in the server and this location is used by several scripts to send emails, determine the location of certain files, etc Don’t use http, a valid location is /store

pForceSelectOptionals is used to check if the customer selects at least one variation of the drop down variations before adding.

pEncryptionPassword is the encryption string for RC4 algorithm, if you want to change this setting, all your previous passwords and encrypted credit cards will not be recognized. Make sure to change the password before you logout or you will not be able to login again to the BackOffice if you changed the encryption password.

pIndexV isitsCounter is used to increase the visits counter to the store if they arrive to default.asp script (direct access to categories or other parts of the store will not be added), sometimes you want to disable this setting for performance reasons since you can also count visits using any Visits Counter provided by the web server.

pShowBToBPrice is used to display Wholesale prices to Retail customers.

pUseEncryptedTotal is used to encrypt the order total before filling an online payment form like form.

pSendPlainText is used to send credit card information unencrypted (useful just for testing purposes, don’t enable this setting for a real world store)

pRowsShown is used for the Dynamic Index table that displays a table filled with products.

pStockQuantityControl is used to check if there is enough stock in add and recalculate steps.

o Optional Features:

· Whether or not you want some specific optional features like Wish List, StoreNews, Forgot Password, List Best Sellers, Related Products and oGetRelatedProductsLimit (a settings to define how many related products to retrieve), Customer Reviews and pProductReviewsAutoActive (to activate all reviews without BackOffice moderation), Email To Friend, Newsletter, Auctions, Real Time Shipping, Price List, CurrencyConversion, One Step Checkout, Fraud Prevention Mode.

The Wish List feature allows your customers to place items that they like, but are not ready to buy right at that moment, in an ideal basket from which they can retrieve them at any time. The advantage is that when they are ready to order, they don’t need to search for those products again. All they have to do is log into their account, select View Wish List, and add to the shopping cart the products that they are now ready to purchase. To add a product to their Wish List, users will click on the Add to Wish List button located on every product details page in your store. If the Wish List feature is not active, that button is not displayed. To add products to the Wish List visitors must register with your store. Otherwise your store will not remember who they are when they try to retrieve their list.

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