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  E-mail Settings

Your store automatically sends your customers e-mail messages under these circumstances:

  • When they place an order, to confirm the order.
  • When they place an online payment like PayPal, or on-line credit cards payments.
  • When they forget their login password, to remind them about the password.
  • When they win an auction or they bid is surpassed.

  The e-mail settings allows you to configure:

o Admin E-mail: This is typically the address of the person that is managing the store, or “administrator”. This address receives order notifications, payment notifications, encrypted credit card payments and auctions notifications.

o “From” E-mail: This is the address that is used for all messages and invoices sent automatically from your store to a customer. This address shows up as the “From” address in the message that the customer receives, and is therefore also the address that replies will be sent to, if the customer were to reply to a message.

o SMTP Server. This is the send mail transfer protocol server. It can be a remote server also.

o Debug Email: This option is useful to determine the cause of email sending errors since it will display on screen the error description.

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